Restructured a failed IT merger

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Restructured a failed IT merger

In 2014 Stepco and Advo ICT merged. After 3 CEOs in 2,5 years, I stepped in to restructure and reorganize the organization

The task: Hired as a CEO to restructure and reorganize the failed and make Stepco profitable again. In two years turned the company around without extra funding

Result: In two years turned the company around with no additional funding. Outlook of 110% EBITDA increase than the previous year.

Our work included:

  • Redefined strategy, focus on value proposition and positioning and brought focus back to the core activities, e.g. selling the optical fiber assets
  • The company was very internally orientated and brought focus back to the customer and sales
  • Reorganization of operational and internal resources to improve efficiency and reduce cost
  • Created Opex reduction plan e.g main reduction projects were downsizing team and consolidation of 7 datacenters to 1.
  • Acquired and integrated Twinsec as part of the buy and build strategy to strengthen the company in cyber security services
  • Design, develop and manage a program to reduce cost, part of the program was the divestment of fiber, integration of different IT platforms and reducing the amount of datacenters
  • Focus on a renewed market proposition and value proposition through the acquisition of TWINSEC and a renewed market strategy.
