Smooth Sailing For M&A

Find out how!

A vastly experienced team offers the full set of Post-merger integration services for midsize projects as well as larger more complex deals

Integration Strategy

Define an integration strategy based on Due Diligence and the business case

Integration planning

Create buy-in from both organisations on the priorities of each workstream and project to manage day-2-day and integration simultaneously and avoid overwhelm

Post Deal Execution

PMO/ IMO / ITO services. Know how to work with different types of people to keep the priorities on track, monitor progression and empower your team to create the value designed

Cultural Transformation

Create an understanding of the common behaviors in both organizations to drive a joint approach to maximize the value from the dealvalfro
the deal

Transition Service Agreements (TSAs)

Planning and execution of transition service agreements to enable the buyer to stand up the organization necessary for a smooth transition

Information Technology | AWS Cloud

Determine the right Data, IT and application infrastructure (Fast Start M&A Integration, Data, ERP, Cloud, etc) and priorities to support the new strategy

About Us

We are a team of 3 M&A professionals with over 80 years of experience from more than 100 transactions in delivering the value of your deal.


We are using our combined and complementary skill-sets across different time zones to effectively deliver a smooth cross-border M&A experience for our clients.


People, leadership and technology are at the core of our post merger integration approach, which creates significant value for our clients.

Clients We’ve Worked With

Why Choose Us?

We are the right team for your post merger integration or carve out project. We have the expertise, knowledge and structural approach to deliver the expected value of your cross-border M&A deal.

Atlantic M&A comprises of three M&A professionals with over 80 years of combined M&A experience from 100 plus transactions. We are located both in the U.S. and the E.U. We provide cross-border post merger integration services for PE firms with deal sizes from $10 Mn to $1.5Bn in size. We specialize in Post Merger Integrations and Carve outs. Our service portfolio includes IMO, Communications, Cultural transformation, IT application/infrastructure advice, Transaction Service Agreement management, and Functional integration support. Together we are able to set up a robust integration strategy and provide a complete Day 1 and Post Merger Integration service for the first six months of a transaction.

We use our combined and complimentary experience across the time zones to efficiently deliver a smooth cross-border M&A experience for our clients.

Have a Project in mind?

Please click the button below to schedule a 30 minute call. We can ensure that you have a smooth cross-border M&A experience. Let’s talk about how we can deliver the value of your deal.

Let us support you in delivering your cross-border M&A deal.

This allows you to have a team that works both European and U.S. hours to super charge your cross-border M&A experience. Together we have a structural approach that is supported by our own simple but effective processes and custom M&A tools and technology.

Your Trusted Prtners

Your Trusted Partners

Highly experienced team with complimentary skills with over 70 years of M&A experience.

Post Merger Integration | Divestiture | Communications | Cultural Change | AWS Cloud & Security | Interim CEO/CTO | Board Advisor

Richard Parry
Branka Dessens
Thomas Kessler
