Liquid storage company integration

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Post Merger: Liquid storage company integration

In 2011 Royal Vopak acquired a Liquid Storage Company in Kandla, India

The task: Integrate the terminal into the Vopak network . Initially started as a PMI manager, and later returned as an Interim General Manager to further shape the strategy and integration

Result: The integration was successfully managed without any safety incidents, all major customers retained and a lasting shift in culture from local to global.

Our work included:

  • Sales, Operations, Safety, Procurement, HR/Communication, IT, Finance, Project Management, Infrastructure, Culture
  • Creation of a roadmap and 100 days plan. Managed the program across all workstreams based on the plan
  • Oversee key integration taskforce, for Safety and Operations to ensure that Vopak standards were complied with, Sales & Marketing to ensure business continuity, timely and effective communications to all necessary parties, IT systems were integrated, and HR issues being managed professionally.
  • Stakeholder management with different government and other regulatory bodies and warrant compliance to local laws and regulations in the ambiguous Indian industrial landscape
