BiFi Carveout and Integration

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BiFi Carveout and Integration

In 2013 Unilever PLC decided to sell two brands and the associated manufacturing assets.

The task: Stand up 9 person integration team acting as interim executives to manage the transition of the assets from seller to acquirer and support the process of integration

Our work included:

  • Marketing/Sales, Operations, Logistics, HR/Communication, IT, Finance, Project Management, Infrastructure, and Cultural Change
  • Managing the transition service agreements, enabling the acquirer to staff functions that would not move over from Unilever as they served a multitude of brands and not just Bifi and Peperami
  • Ensuring customer continuance including designing a new logistics approach
  • Identifying opportunities to expand the production capacity
  • Aligning the culture and move staff from a ”Top Down” organization to a “V-shaped” responsibility driven organization by empowering the 2nd line leadership
  • IT integration of all production and communication systems and provide project support for the migration from SAP Unilever to SAP Jack Links
