Integration Planning

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We create buy-in from both organizations on the priorities of each workstream and project to manage day-2-day and integration simultaneously and avoid overwhelm of the team and organization. We have specific tools can do this by delivering a roadmap, and a 100 day plan.

The only successful approach to avoid overwhelm is by carefully curating the overall roadmap for the integration with both leadership teams in the same room and develop from there the 100 Day plan. The joint planning process is paramount to making the right decisions for the business going forward and enables a clear prioritization which in-turn enables the joint organization to focus on day-2-day business while having time to drive the integration. In our experience any integration is full of surprises. In order to be agile enough one needs to have a clear destination where the integration needs to go and a solid integration plan to support the objectives. Based on this one can react and at time proactively drive the integration when things go off rail or surprises happen.
