Integrate Five BioTechs At Once
In 2022 KKR invested with Ampersand in Biosynth and four other Biotech companies in Europe and the U.S. to create a platform for a new Life Sciences company
The task: Produce and execute a business and technology integration plan for five companies at the same time with four different close dates. This included communications, day 1 planning, integration planning, execution of the plan, and IT blueprinting using Atlantic M&As SmartSheet integration tool
Our work included:
Using AtlanticM&As structured integrated planning progress a consolidated day 1 plans and integration plan for all four acquisitions was produced with monthly communications updates
Identifying deal drivers and integration objectives for all four acquisitions
Producing functional charters for each function that mapped objectives to milestones
Developing and implementing detailed functional integration plans in SmartSheet with automated reporting and a focus on execution while still conducting planning for later milestone/tasks
Integration roadmap for all four acquisitions summarizing the integration program
Producing a detailed IT infrastructure and applications blueprint for all five companies with associated project identified and incorporated into the SmartSheet integration plan
AtlanticM&A Innovation: First Cloud Fast Start project. New capability developed to fast start joint working and access to proprietary applications through the use of Amazon Web Services cloud technology. Enabled acquired entity employees to have access to Biosynth desktop within two weeks of acquisition close to fast-start cross-selling value creation